Wednesday, April 9, 2008

Looking forward

Next week a meeting has been arranged between me, Andy and Philippa. Hope things gonna run smoothly. Aye... really looking forward for the meeting...

Kak Rose mailed me UPSI application form. hmmm... I have already sumbitted one last year, and even went through their interview at KLCC, a week after I set my feet back to tanahair... but the result was unsuccessful!...

Then kak Rose email 'vacancy at IIUM'... ahhrgh... not again! Don know whether I wanna go through the hasstle again or not.. months of waiting and hoping and it turned out to be 'stay wherever you are!'.

Once an offer of a place is in hand... I think I will make another round.... apply as many universities as possible.. hmmm ada hikmahnya tak proceed buat phd kat victoria university of wellington walaupun offer letter da dapat. yes maybe... sebab bila zura sembang2 ym dgn aku few weeks ago... bakal supervisor aku begitu begini, ditambah pengalaman kak eda dan peddy... mungkin jodoh aku memang dgn AUT. Moga Kau permudahkan segala urusan ku ini Ya Allah, moga ini yang terbaik untukku dan keluargaku...ameen

My dearie Dina is still waiting for offer letter from massey uni... bahagian dia pula berbeza cabarannya... InsyaAllah kak doakan jua semoga segala urusan dipermudahkan Ilahi...

Looking forward to welcome Dina & Ajeep to city of sails... looking forward for a new house too, though belum dapat lagi la... looking forward to play snow again at Mt Ruapehu (eh tetiba lak nih... hehe, saja bg isyarat ke bos... jom222)


hymie said...

Moga Allah permudahkan urusan kita dan kurniakan yg terbaik buat ummi dan kita sekeluarga Ameen. Main snow ... orait aje ... setttt!

ueya said...

Insyaallah..Mudah-mudahan segalanya dipermudahkan. Main snow??? nak ikut!!!hee..he

Asiah said...

Jom main snow...grrr!!!