Wednesday, April 30, 2008

Quality vs quantity


Have been reading on differences between quantitative and qualitative research lately... as usual.. use to relate things with myself, my experience and my childhood...

I think I was brought up in a quantitative environment. haha..this is my own terminology... my family emphasized on quantity rather than quality. Well..I do understand that we were not very rich.. yeah that's the reason maybe, so my childhood was simple but enough.. ada pun da syukur... so we're more that thankful to have a shelter to protect ourselves from sun and rain (though there were lots of holes on the roof, so everytime it's raining, few bowls were here and there where water dripped), to have at least 2 meals a day (I remembered eating nasi with salt only, once), to have clothes to cover our aurah (even though most of mine were second hand clothes, passed from my elder sisters, or given by relatives), to have dried leaves and sticks and old newspaper as toys to play 'rumah2'... alhamdulillah...

In contrary, I think my hubby was brought up in a qualitative environment...haha..another terminology... I'm not going to describe details here... but I do learn a lot from my mom in law and suhaimi as well... to appreciate and take a good care of whatever we have. This does not mean my family didn't appreciate, it's just that we didn't have much (materially speaking) to appreciate...

.... now I can't stop my tears... those days... were really... ahhh...I can't find the right words... astaghfirullah... I should be thankful... Alhamdulillah... and enough asiah!... you can't change the past! the future is ahead for you to decide... your life.. hubby, kids, family, study, career... I think my head is having 'permanent head damage' symptom...haha, when you are stuck, then start rambling... well it helps sometimes... blogging to release aye!

Please Asiah, then cencentrate on quality... quality time, quality reading, quality output, quality prayer, quality everything... jai yoo!

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