Sunday, December 7, 2008



Alhamdulillah Thanks to Allah for his Merciful, for His ni’mat of Islam and Iman.

For those who are going back to Malaysia for good, all the best for your future undertaking. My family and I had the chance to meet some of them but during that short occasion, I did not have the chance, or rather the idea was not expressed during the meeting, hence I would like to give some advice and tips (though the chance that you guys may read this piece of info is slim, just let me through this idea from my brain…)

Some people call it post-study blues or post-study ‘anxiety’. It occurs exactly after one finish their studies, from that moment until they get a job (to be specific, until they get a permanent job) and start working.

Let me quote some of you said, "sementara nak tunggu kerja, malu pula nak minta duit kat mak, nak gi memana ke, duit tambang ke..malu la da besar panjang nak minta duit" (lebih kurang laa begitu...translation: they request money from parents and feel ashamed about that since they are adult now)

Hello!!!... you can do lots of things and even request money without feeling 'guilty', so here is my list of suggestion...

- wake up early and cheefully offer a hand to prepare breakfast
- clean your own dish and offer to clean others as well (sure sejuk hati mak tuh..)
- make your own bed every morning
- help you mom preparing meals
- prepare meals once a while (do it yourself, your own recipe that you learn while studying here... even a simple one like spagety, pizza, etc. your parents must be very impressive!)
- wash your dad's car
- help vacuming the house
- clean the toilet (unless your mom has maid, you don't need to do this. Everybody avoids this but if you did, I believe your parent will be impressed...:) and some people are even unaware about the cleanliness of their toilets, so again, if you help your mom doing this, she'll be impressed..)
- help taking care of the garden (if you have one), like watering the plants, sweeping and cleaning the yard, fixing the fence, etc.
- offer to accompany your mom/dad to buy groceries
- offer tho drive the car to attend ceremonies such as kenduri kahwin, tahlil, etc.

- pray congregationally (jamaah) as many times as possible

- offer to lead prayers at home (I would definitely, as mom, feel very proud of my son/daughter leading the jamaah prayer)

- put your used shirts in the laundry basket
- put your used towel properly, do not leave it in the bedroom laying on bed and let your mom arrange it
- iron your own shirts
- iron your mom/dad's shirts
- do laundry (more impressive!)
- do not watch tv all the time!!!
- more importantly, do not play games all the time!! save your time to do other things as suggested in this list. Once in a while is alright, coz I know youngsters nowadays, they know lots of games available freely on the internet. hallo!! there are other more important things in your life than your own satisfaction, i.e. your family and their love.
- ask your mom to tell stories that she likes, even if you've heard it hundreds of times
- enjoy the company of your parents and siblings
- take care of your little brothers/sisters (if you have), play with them, help them in their study, and have fun doing things together
- clean the windows
- mow the lawn
- repair any electrical appliances if one isn't working
- do not sleep very late, and before sleep, say salam and 'nite' to your parents
- hug your mom every times she shows affection (like giving you some money)

- do not waste your time 'lepak'/hang around with your friends, once in a while is alright. Take this opportunity to help around in the house. Once your start your work, you won't get the chance again..

It's not money that is most important during this post-study blues... it's their love, care and attention, and especially their du'a. As I said, you may not have the chance in the future to help them around the house, so grab this opportunity! Jgn makan tidur ajer yea, mak nak bagi duit pun tak seronok tau...ringan2 kan tangan, even da ada maid kat rumah, ty ler mak nak tolong apa...;-)


A Khudori Soleh said...

salam dr Indonesia mbak

afidalina said...

salam kak..selamat hari raya!! insya Allah nnt kat Msia bila perjuangan selesai, bolehla ziarah2 kan kan? haa tula bila dpt tau pasai accident tu, terus teringat kat korang. maybe akak and suhaimi tau lebih further. nway, emm. pasal entri sy, yes, something happened here, kak. biasalah in a society kan.. nk volunteer, x nk. suke jek nk comment byk. although kita antara phd yg 'mude' kat sini, tp we do have our own integrity and pride kan. takleh nk kena pijak2 je. but it's ok. i became more rational now and i regained my strength much faster this time, so dh boleh fokus keja balik. =) thanks sgt2 for your lovely comment.

Biarlah rahsia said...

bagus nasihat akak tu...

hehe byk sungguh entry bie dah miss..kena qada' baca time free ni...

thanks jwb comment tu...tak berat sgt akak kan...skrg mesti dh cute sgt2...hehe

merrymur said...

salam akak!!! tumpang ada kat cc ni,.trus baca blog org, laa baca entri yg ni,bagus untuk ingatan saya yg tgh ber'holiday' nih,hehe.insyaAllah saya try buat.thanks!! kem salam pada family yer.

sementara tgh recession ni,bagos utk sya buat mcm nasihat akak utk menghilangkan stress suma org,hehe

sya skrg tgh tolong ayah saya,die busy dgn projek..projek ape?? insyaAllah,ada masa i'll put up on my blog =)

Asiah said...

salam perkenalan Khidori,

salam Afi, good to hear you're back on track.. cabaran mendewasakan kita...:)

salam bie, huhu...rasa makin 'cute' da skrg nih..

salam murni.. akak percaya murni surely help around..knowing you!