Thursday, June 17, 2010

tak kenal maka tak cinta


A friend conveys her frustration over perception among some people (I can't mention specifically the place where they belong to, sensitive issue) that 'Asians' are 'slack'..

Well.. first, if you look at it from macro level (satellite view vs bird eye view).. we may query which part of country/region those 'Asians' are you referring to.. it is too broad! China? India? South East Asia? If you mention 'Asians' in US, they refer to Indians, and if you mention it in NZ and Ozzie, they refer to Chinese (or rather Chinese looked people, like Korean, Japanese, Taiwanese, and even Malaysian Chinese, Singaporean Chinese, oh! this just shows how Chinese are very 'international' because they are everywhere aye!)

Then if you look from the micro level or even smaller, individual level I would say, each individuals is unique, each is shaped and moulded by his/her upbringing within one's cultural-religious-socio-economic-politico environment. In other words, even siblings may have different personality and way of thinking..

Well friend, I told her, do we really need to bother all those perception? We can't control their thinking and we don't really know their thought, unless they convey and tell us.. Our instinct may tell us this or that, but it may not be true. Better focus on our own behavior and attitudes, convey the message that we are not 'slack'!

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