Thursday, November 15, 2007

I'm back


Alhamdulillah, I'm back to the city of sails since 5th Nov. 2 months holiday in Malaysia felt like merely 2 weeks, time flew so fast. Alhamdulillah most of the things that we planned to do were achieved except my driving licence. Well... seems I need to do it here....

Unfortunately, I still do not get any sponsors for my study. This is the biggest challenge I ever had... I believe there are hikmah behind this... When I see the letter from UIA pertaining to my application for academic position, it was signed by kak sa'i... what an ironic!...mmm sabar la..

I still have hope. I will prepare D1 and try to get an offer of a place from AUT. InsyaAllah...

Today, my youngest sister, Alin starts serving UTHM. After months of waiting, few interviews at Putrajaya, UTHM and other last she got a better job. Dina, my second youngest sister has joined UTHM since last year...and she will be coming to NZ for her PhD (I hope she choose NZ...not UK or US)

Both my beloved sister will be married soon...huaaaaa.... I'm going to miss the wedding... Dina's on 21th Dec and Alin March next year.... sedihnyerrr.......hanya doa kupanjatkan moga kalian sentiasa dalam rahmiat Ilahi, moga bahagia milik abadi... dan moga majlis berjalan lancar...amin


achiema said...

salam asiah..
Welcome back to the City of Sails..Surprised to hear that the letter was signed by our ex-AD??!
Hope u finally got the one you aim for. Kict may not be the best place either. We plan, but Allah also has planned for us. and definitely HIS plan his above all and the best of all...Good luck! Semoga berjaya..ameen...

PartyPooper said...

Bestnye akak dah blk Auckland..tapi kteorg plak blk Malaysia. Rindu dah kat anak2 akak.