Sunday, March 30, 2008

What a relief!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

The journey has begun and the path seems luminous and getting closer... Alhamdulillah Praise be to Allah, the Most Gracious the Most Merciful...

Let's do sujud syukur... it's simple, just a postration after every solah, uttering these

Refer here and here for details on sujud syukur


UmmuNaylah said...

apa yg relief??

Asiah said...

hehe..rahsia lagi!
belum masanya utk di announce... and share in this blog


afidalina said...

saya macam tahu..hehhee..=P suka2 je nk guessing...=P

Asiah said...

salam leen & afi,
walau tak tercatat kat sini, ramai betul yg bertanya, apa yg relief?..hehe.. actually takde la apa sangat2, gempaq aje. sekadar mengingatkan diri sendiri, bila ada some accomplishment tuu, jgn lupa sujud syukur... tak kira ler besar or kecik... mudah2an ada keberkatan disitu, ameen.