Wednesday, July 2, 2008

Not again...

Heard about DSAI's case! arghh not again laa.. what a conspiration! so not illogical... I don't think he is sooo stupid to repeat the same 'sin' (which was even not true)... and that 'boy'... wonder how much you got paid for that.. or perhaps you're 'pressured'... hmmm. so many hypothesis. For others, you may have different opinion, but for me personally, I don't think he committed 's**o*y'.. It's just another political agenda to joepardize his political move...

I dont really like politics... news in from one ear and out from the other. In todays' easy access to various kind of information.. it's sometimes quite difficult to differenciate which news are reliable... and we must differenciate facts and opinion.. and history is sometime written in favor of certain group of people, such as ruler at particular period of time...

In this case, information from primary sources is more reliable... I just want to share my final year project during my degree. I did a project paper about PKPIM, who's who, what role it play and it's development in 70's, 80's and 90's... And I used primary sources such as reports, pamphlets, and other unpublished materials. And DSAI was one of it's premier leader. He was indeed the one who urged for the establishment of IIUM (unfortunately, this is not written in the IIUM history itself, but kept elsewhere... hope Tuan Syed manage to get this info...). This is just a piece of info I wanna to share (don know if Dr Elyas still kept the paper or not). And people change, that's true... it's the kind of change that matters, to a better person or the same. Tepuk dada..tanya lah iman (bukan tanya selera yea)...

1 comment:

BadRiza said...

Salam Asiah,
I agree with you. I just don't understand how these people can simply come out with that hideous statement without a slightest fear of ALLAH the ALL Knower. More ugly comments from those whom i call the "kepala B*angan*g* (org2 besar gomen yang buta hati atau sengaja buta hati sbb dah nampak duit/kemewahan) towards DSAI. Wallahu'alam... I really pissed off with the conspiration, and more pissed off with those yang melulu je menokok tambah cerita tanpa menguna 'aql' yg Allah dah kurniakan....Astaghfirullah..Semoga Allah sentiasa memberi kita petunjuk dan mengingatkan kita agar kita sentiasa mengingatiNya dan bertaqwa pada NYA dengan sebaik-baik taqwa..Amin.