Sunday, June 20, 2010

Oral presentation


Ashraf is exposed to various level/grade of oral presentation at school: beginner, intermediary and advanced presentation, each have different criteria like body language, eye contact, attention getter, voice, reading from text, etc.

I tried recalling my old days of oral presentation. Was it during my primary school? hmm.. it seemed I hardly learn about oral presentation or perhaps my brain is just too 'rusty' that I can't remember those old days.. The earliest memory of my childhood was when I was 4 years old.. let me tell you about those stories later, perhaps in another entry, because this time I would like to tell about Ashraf's experience.

Dad is helping Ashraf to prepare the presentation. His class was asked to present on dance, any dance. Initially, he wanted to talk about Indian dance. Then Dad decided it would be much better to tell about our Malay dance, and he choosed Zapin.

Ashraf practiced a lot for the presentation. In every practice in front of the family, Mummy would say encouraging words together with some critiques.. well Ashaf can be very sensitive, so mummy must be very careful in her words..

All the best my Son.. I know you can do it..

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