Tuesday, January 22, 2008

Sleep over...


For the time, Ashraf is sleeping over with his friend, Jakob, at Hafiz's house. I was not keen with the idea though, I don know, it's not our culture perhaps. But he insists on the idea... and hubby was bit flexible lak... and tonight, I feel a bit different, without Ashraf around and I was not alone having that feeling... I wonder how and why 'sleeping over' become a culture overhere... anywhere

"I slept over hips of times" said Jakob, silently implying 'no big deal' sort of thing...

Well... it's actually not Ashraf's first time coz I remember when Humaira was born, Ashaf was taken care by Makcik Senah for few nights. I was admitted for 3 days to Pusat Perubatan Naluri, Wangsa Maju (where Ashraf was born.. delivered by Dr K...hehe... both Ashraf & Humaira...) So this Makcik was so nice. She went to her relative's house at Muar together with her children and grandchildren and Ashraf as well...

Then I remember the moment when Ashraf first met baby Humaira... he was crying! so memorable...

Well that was different type of sleep over...coz that Makcik was his babysitter..

Really hope Ashraf is alright... and our neighbour too... sound asleep now... though they're just next few doors..:) ahhh..already miss him!

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